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Our Ultimate Features

Looking for the best photo-sharing platform?

We understand the importance of capturing and preserving memories for your clients on their special day. That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to WeddingBook, an Ai-based photo-sharing app that’s a complete game-changer for your projects. Experience lightning-fast photo delivery with face recognition, effortlessly manage multiple client groups in a single dashboard.

Features which make WeddingBook everyone’s favorite:

1. Ai-powered Photo-Sharing Platform – Share photos with face recognition technology among all attendees of your event instantly with just a single link.

2. Business Branding – Display your brand using your logo and portfolio to attract new clients. 

3. Free storage up to 100 GB – WeddingBook offers free storage of up to 100 gb. Now you’ll never have to worry about running out of space for extra photos.

4. Album Selection – Now your clients can mark their favorite photos for you to access them easily to print or edit them. 

5. One shot Upload – Effortlessly upload all folders of an event in one shot with One Shot Upload feature.

6. Restrict Download: Control access to event’s pictures by selecting who can download them, even allowing clients to download only after the payment is received.

7. Additional Features: Generate album QR codes, add personalized watermarks, create a stunning personal website portfolio, and download client data for marketing opportunities.

Don’t miss out on the convenience and fun of sharing your photos via WeddingBook.


White Label App

Increase Your Chance of Customer retention by 2X

Studies suggest that even a 5% increase in customer retention rate can increase profits anywhere between 25% to 95%. Give them your Personal touch with us.

Inapp Notification

Deliver Unlimited Notifications to your clients

In-app notifications are messages from app creators that pop up on users’ devices while using a specific app. These notifications help the product team increase user engagement, retention, and lifetime value.
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Get your own App
Promote your brand by sharing photos with clients
and guests on your own app. Get more hits on your
website & social media pages
Facial Recognition
Guests following the event can get all photos
featuring them in a separate album, just by clicking a
selfie on your app
Photo Selection
Clients can mark photos they like as ‘Favorites’ &
share them with the Photographer instantly for the
photo album
Customer Management

How it Works

Just share some photos & basic details about your company with us

Pay the annual subscription charges online

Your Admin, Android & iOS app will be live in two weeks