App Integration

Increase Your Brainstorm Ideas Instantly

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App Customization

Increase Your Brainstorm Ideas Instantly

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Egestas facilisis metus vitae mattis velit ac amet, mattis aenean. Quam eu aliquam quisque commodo feugiat placerat elit. Eget mi, morbi tincidunt dolor.

Why Chose Us?

Clean & Modern Design

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Workflow Automation

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Automated Callback

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Continuous Updates

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Main Image

Client Gallery

Share Event ID with your Friends & Family, & they can see Photos, Videos & Album, even the ones who couldn't make it to the Event.
  • Place QR code in the event and distribute photos with ease.
  • Showcase your work to all participants using Face Recognition.
  • Clients can mark images as favourites
  • Download Control
  • Flipbook Share
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High Data Transfer

Send large files quickly and securely, popular choice for sharing photos, videos, and documents with team, colleagues, or clients.
  • Allowing users to send files to multiple recipients via email or link.
  • Users can customize Transfer Backgrounds.
  • Set expiration dates, and protect files with passwords for enhanced security.
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Mobile App Of Your Studio

cutting-edge solution with AI face recognition capabilities, enabling efficient photo sharing and selection.
  • White-label custom mobile application for photographers
  • AI face recognition technology for efficient photo organization
  • Seamless photo sharing capabilities
  • Intuitive photo selection features
Main Image

CRM & Billing Software

Manage Photography Services, leads, Orders & Expenses, Create Bills, Send Invoices.
  • Comprehensive CRM & billing software
  • Lead tracking and Order management
  • Bill creation and Invoice generation
  • Expense management
  • Profit & Loss management
Main Image

AR (Photo to Video)

cutting-edge tool that transforms static photos into dynamic experiences. By scanning a photo with your mobile device
  • Augmented Reality (AR) software for mobile devices
  • Photo scanning functionality for interactive experiences
  • Advanced image recognition technology
  • Seamless playback integration
  • Enhances user engagement by blending physical and digital elements

Benefits to Photographers

Get Your Own App & Promote your brand by sharing photos with clients and guests on your own App and Website

Your Brand Name or Studio Name on App Store & Play Store with Features Like..

  • Unlimited Data Sharing
  • Unlimited Event Uploads
  • Al Face Recognition
  • AI Album Scanner
  • Photo Sharing & Selection
  • Album Sharing & Changes
  • Unlimited Push Notifications
  • Marketing Tools & Much More…

Also Get valuable insights of All Customers & Grow Your Business

Share Link with Attendees via Email, QR or WhatsApp

Attendees go to the link and take selfie

Our all recognised attendees with 99% accuracy and show them all their images

Images can be printed or downloaded right from mobile

Free Assistive tools to guide your creative process

Flipbook Your Event


transfer PDF into engaging flipbooks.

Pre Registration QR Code


Automatically generate QR Codes templates for printing and placing at event.

Smart Analytics of Customer Data

Wedding Book

Capture customer name, email and contact number.

Download Control On / Off


Enable / Disable Downloads for your photo album.

class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-8500abb elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="8500abb" data-element_type="section" data-settings="{"background_background":"slideshow","background_slideshow_gallery":[{"id":4841,"url":"/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/012-2.png"}],"background_slideshow_slide_duration":5000,"background_slideshow_slide_transition":"fade","background_slideshow_transition_duration":500}">

Benefits to Photographers

Get Your Own App & Promote your brand by sharing photos with clients and guests on your own App and Website

Your Brand Name or Studio Name on App Store & Play Store with Features Like..

  • Unlimited Data Sharing
  • Unlimited Event Uploads
  • Al Face Recognition
  • AI Album Scanner
  • Photo Sharing & Selection
  • Album Sharing & Changes
  • Unlimited Push Notifications
  • Marketing Tools & Much More…

Also Get valuable insights of All Customers & Grow Your Business